Shoulder, Elbow & Hand Pain

Are You Suffering With Upper Limb Pain?

Whatever the problem; frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, wrist pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or even text thumb, we know how debilitating pain and lack of movement in your upper limbs can be and how it can drain you physically and emotionally, preventing you from enjoying simple everyday activities.

If this kind of pain is left untreated, it can develop to the point where it restricts your movement severely and causes issues in other areas of your body. If you’re taking painkillers or anti-inflammatories regularly, they could be just masking your pain: you need to find and treat the root of the problem.

​Upper limb conditions are sometimes linked to one another. For example, when there are problems in the hand and wrist, other parts of the body such as the shoulder, neck and back pain try to compensate. So, it’s not unusual for other problems to develop in areas away from the root cause.

How We Can Help

When you come to see us, we’ll listen to you, find the root cause of your upper limb pain and explain in simple terms how we can help. We’ll assess your body as a whole, looking at the movement of joint which is giving you pain as well as the surrounding joints i.e. shoulder, elbow and wrist. We’ll also look at your spine – the neck in particular to see how your body moves as a whole.

Our aim is to relax muscles and ligaments and limber up joints, removing any inflammation or restriction and restoring them to their normal positions. We focus on the upper back and neck too, since this is where the blood and nerve supply to the upper limbs are controlled. When we free up movement and reduce tension, we can build more strength and range of motion in the joint until you’re back fully functioning.

We’ll also offer you lifestyle advice on things like posture, breaks and bad habits at work, in the car and at play, to minimise any chance of your condition returning.

Ready to Book?

If you’re ready to book in or would like to check availability you can do this online by clicking here. If you would like to find out more about the treatments we provide or the conditions we treat, you can find these in the menu at the top of the page.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to us please get in touch with us using the details here.